Printed products usually come into existence under pressure. But they shouldn't. Instead, they need care and a controversial touch. Yes, exactly, such a slippery yet enticing touch. It feels like a strong flicker in the eyes, maybe even a lightning bolt. A lightning bolt that dehydrates the retina to make it cry. Mouth wide open, eyes captivated, the mind nourished. Heated by questions. Should you even ask these questions? Or may you? Or are you actually allowed to do anything? Why not? But well, maybe it’s better the other way. And it sells better. But does what sells better actually sell well enough? Or not at all? If not, why continue? Quitting also doesn't make sense. Although sense is not art. Or does sense make art? Or does art make no sense either? Or is that only temporary? But if everything with sense is not art but daily routine, what does everyday life look like then? Is there enough light in this everyday life? Or does it ultimately need more shadow? Let's not even bring color into that. That would surely be too much. Too much color. Or too much contrast. Or too much dominance. But can too much also be too little? And is less always more? Who dictates it? Where does it lead? It still doesn't make sense. And good taste? What is that exactly? Where does it start? Where does it end? At the edge of the plate? How should it be, may it be, could it be, must it be? Must it even be at all? No, nothing must be, but everything can. Everyone can. They say so. But not everyone can think like that. A carousel and a train of thought that not everyone can follow.
But one thing is clear:
No matter who you are or how you think, something can always be.
And everyone is.
Welcome to Straight Edgy!